Tapex 2

  • Sale
  • Regular price $279.95
  • 1 available

Inspired by the old tape-echo devices of a time not forgotten, the Tapex 2 packs a hell of a punch in a compact, pedal-board friendly package.  And it sounds like heaven too.

  • Pure analog pre-amps and output drivers
  • Complementary True-Stereo inputs & outputs
    • Left Input: Delay input with Dry pass-through
      (Delay output on both Left and Right Outputs)
    • Right Input: Dry pass-through only
  • 43mS - 808mS delay time
  • Choice & Damaged I tape modes
  • Trailing repeats on bypass
  • Simple and easy to use preset Save/Recall
  • Optional expression control input
    assignable on the fly to any control
  • Optional Tap-tempo input
  • Industry Standard 9VDC pedal-board
    and daisy chain friendly power (<70mA draw)

Click below for MR3 clip:
WICK (0:58) 

Manual (2MB)